Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Ways to Be

9 ways to be happy and make something of your life

Image result for gordon b. hinckley
Gordon b. Hinckley

1. be grateful

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A new way to be grateful can be by every little thing that you have appreciate it because. Many people wish they had what you have. So be grateful. If your grateful you'll probably be happy because got will know you are choosing the right. Being grateful for what you have will make you feel good about yourself and you'll be happy. Every day in the morning when you wake up you should be happy for one more day of life. In this life there is many things to be grateful for. Appreciate everything you have its is great. 
Being grateful is one of the best things because it makes you feel good about yourself and others too.

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2. be smart

a new way of being smart is by putting dedication in everything you do. Also try hard in everything you do put you're best effort in it. you need to study to be smarter than you already are. And being smart can help you also to be happy because if you weren't smart you would be unhappy because you wouldn't be able to do anything alone because you'd always need someone to be their and helping you. their is so many benefits about being smart and that makes you really happy. to be smart you need to go to school and study. Being smart feels great because you can do things are your own and never need help from others and that makes you feel can be an independent person if your smart and that's wonderful. and if you're smart you v=can be a great person and help out the ones who aren't smart so they can be smart, but i doubt that anyone isn't smart because everyone is smart in their own way.

3. be involved in good words
Image result for be involved in good words gordon b hinckleybeing involved in good words is very good and helpful for you. And if you're involved in bad words it is bad for you. the reason why being involved in bad words is bad for you is because good and happy people don't use bad words and if you say bad words in front of people who don't use that language it  makes you seem vulgar and their not gonna like you so you're not gonna be happy. Thats why it is good to be involved with good word so you can be a better person and people wont look at you in a bad way. For example since mr.haymore doesn't say bad words everybody respects him because he uses good words and if you use bad words people are going 
to disrespect you thats why you need to be like mr.haymore.

4. be clean
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be clean can help you be a better person in so many ways. you need to be clean in the way you talk like your language, you need to be clean from your body and the way you dress. being cle
an in you're language shows that you're a respectful person and respect others. And people are gonna like you and want to be you're friend.and you gotta be clean from you're body because if you're not your gonna smell bad and people are not gonna want to get close to you because you smell.

5. be true
Image result for be truebeing true is one of the best things in life. if you're not true then what are you doing. if you're not truthful. than you're not trust worthy. you should be a truthful person and not a liar. if you were a liar nobody is gonna trust or believe anything you say.

6. be positive
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being positive is one of the best things to do because it helps a lot helps you be a better person and you help others
you being positive can also help others feel  better

7.  be humble
Image result for be humblethe definition of humble is having or showing a modest or low estimate of one's own importance.being humble is good its like being peaceful. people who are respectful are humble 

8. be still
Image result for be stillwhat being still means like if you are choosing the right stay like that don't change for anyone. it also means that you know how to stay still and not be moving around. being still can also bring peace to you.being still is also good because when you are in deep silence you are calm and peaceful. there is many situations where you have to be still or you'll have ,any consequences. this also means to be clean and still of your bad thoughts.

final reflection:
well these 9 ways are really wonderful for your life like damn they are a great help!!
use them and your life will be great.

The 9 ways concluding words by Gordon B. Hinckley 
" There are, nine B's which, if observed, will bring handsome dividends to any young man or women. They will add sparkle to your days and peace to your nights. They will save you from heartache and pain. They will bring purpose into your life and give direction yo your energies. 
           They will bring you friends of your own kind. They will protect you from associations that would pull you down and deflect you from your course.
           This time to be happy. This time to feel joy and make friends and enjoy the best this life has to offer. What i have tried to put fourth... are simply a few suggestions, gained from many years of living, to help you do just that. The world will tell that certain kinds of things well you happiness- things such as popularity and possessions and satisfying your baser desires. 
          If today you find yourself only drifting  as a leaf in a stream, get hold of yourself and determine you will do better.
At railroad grade crossing, signs of warning were once common. Two cross arms were emblazoned with the words, " stop, look, listen."  They meant that a train could be roaring down the tracks and you had better be alert.

I was riding a train the the Midwest years ago. I looked out the window to my left. A road parallel to the tracks. A car with a boy and a girl was speeding down the road a little faster than the train. The car moved ahead until i can no longer see it. Suddenly, the locomotive whistle sounded the train screeched to a halt as the brakes gripped the wheels. We looked out the window on to the other side. There was a mangled car. Police cars soon converged, followed by the ambulance. The boy and the girl were both dead. The road they were traveling crossed the tracks. They did not stop, look, or listen. It all happened in an instant. 
 The better way to Be is the way of these nine's Be's
 The years will be inevitably pass, and pass quickly. Today is your day of resolution. Promise yourself to make something good or ( your ) precious life. 

- Gordon B Hinckley     

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