Wednesday, June 7, 2017

                                       My Top 10 Rules
1. Don’t be shy: just be yourself.
2. Try your best: never give the least always give the most when you are doing something.
3. be committed: if you start something finish it.
4. Love yourself: never feel less. Don’t let anyone bring you down
5. Work hard: always do the best you can do out of something
6. be confident: don't let what people think of you bother you
7. Be the bigger person: don’t waste your time on people who aren’t worth it
8. Help others: help others and good things will come your way
9. be humble: be peaceful                                                             
10. Never stop learning: always take advantage of everything you do. And learn something new
Class Evaluation 
This class is actually my favorite class it’s so cool. I love it it’s so fun because I love doing computer work it’s awesome. And it’s always giving goo life lessons and things that can help up be better people in life. I don't think this class needs really any much of improvement it’s already really good as it is. It teaches so many interesting stuff and things that can help you out later in your life. And as well I think that our journal is really help full because it helps us have our future planned and we can use it as a guide. The highlight of this class for me is when we would always do our life planning because I love going over through my life goals. I feel like I really didn't do my best cause I know I can do way better. Because this class an easy class to pass and it’s so much fun. So well I would try to go over my life planning journal at least every day 5 minutes. But sometimes I would forget or I was busy doing something, but I would always try to do it every day.  I AM A 100% COMMITTED PERSON! I’m always choosing the right there is no day where I’m not.

Thursday, June 1, 2017

The Top 10 Rules for success 
by Cristanio Ronaldo
1. just play
2. Competitive
3. Always take on new challenges
4. know your priorities
5. people will judge you
6. work hard
7. believe you are the best
8. play for the team
9. enjoy the moments 
10. have a sense of humor

these ten rules like to sum up meant have confidence and don't care what people think about you and just to try your best in everything you do. Ronald 10 rules for successes will help you in your life because if you aren't competitive and don't believe in your self you are not going to go anywhere in your life. be the best you can be. never let anyone bring you down. always work hard for what you want. and you will get to many places in your life. these ten rules are really going to help you so live by them.


Monday, May 1, 2017

                                                           Image result for 10 seeds of greatness
1 the seed of self-esteem (Appreciate the value of yourself)
"From self-love to self to self-worth"
what seed 1 means is that you are supposed to love your self and appreciate yourself no matter what and respect your body

2. the seed of creativity
"releasing your creative energy."
what this means is that you have to try your best in everything and show your best effort be unique with everything you do and going back to the first seed you can be creative if you aren't confident, that is why you need the first see it is very important in everything you so.

3. the seed of responsibility
   " whatever we sow, we reap"
what this means is that whatever it is you do good or bad you are always gonna have consequences. that's why you have to be responsible with whatever you do.

4. The seed of wisdom
"A large vocabulary which implies broad, general knowledge characteristics the more successful persons, regardless of their occupations."
what this seed means is that always be wise about what you do.`

 5. the seed of purpose
"the gold mine in your goals."

6. the seed pf communication
"reach out and touch someone

seed 7: Faith
"the power of positive believing"
faith is so good believing in your self is amazing. it helps you do better things and have better confidence. having faith in your self helps you accomplish many wonderful things if you set your mind to it. many people who don't have faith in them self's don't accomplish things because they are scared to take risks and fail. you should never be afraid to fail

Seed 8: Adaptability: "Turning Problems into Opportunities"

seed 9: Perseverance
"The will to win is everything"
perseverance is when

10. seed of perspective
" happiness is the spiritual experience of living every minute with love, grace, and gratitude."
what this seed means which is perspective is


Thursday, April 27, 2017

Ten Tips for Being More Truthful
Barbara A. Lewis

Wife, mother, religious worker, national award-winning author and educator  

The Ten Tips

  1. Make a commitment to tell the truth.
  2. Tell someone about your commitment.
  3. Think before you give a dishonest answer, explanation, sarcasm, or reason.
  4. Be careful of when and how you use exaggeration, sarcasm, or irony.
  5. Be careful not to twist the truth or leave out part of it.
  6. Don't indulge in little white lies.
  7. Watch out for silent lies.
  8. When you catch yourself lying, throw your mouth into reverse.
  9. Talk to yourself.
Treat yourself when you tell the truth.   
the ten tips can benifit you in being a better person in your daily life. a few examples about using the ten tips are


Monday, April 17, 2017

                                    School Break Days 
during the week i really didnt do anything i just baby sat my sisters while my mom was at work and did chores the basic things. i watched a little bit of t.v. i was watching 13 reasons why and friends. both pretty good shows. but on the weekend i went to tijuana anmd from there i went to rosarito to the beach and it was really fun i bought some candy it was delicious but the water from the beach was freezing cold. and after that i went to my aunts house in loma toba and it was super fun cause i was using the motor cycle. after that the next day in the afternoon i went home it was 4 hours in the car. i got a head ache. but after i went home and my mom ordered pizza and it was delicious and we bought a cake cause it was my dads birthday.

Thursday, March 16, 2017


what i saw in this video was that people shouldnt lie. people should always be honest cause it better. int the video it showed a man to work very hard to get into medical school and sacrificed many things and studied very hard for his test for just people to cheat. so he said he was gonna snitch if they cheated. so nobody cheated. if they cheated and became doctors they would've been bad doctors and we dont want that. so good thing the man stood up. people should be more like him. stick up for what you believ is right.

Wednesday, February 1, 2017

                                   Pyramid of success 
john Wooden
Coach Wooden site 
The Pyramid
the 25 Building Blocks of the 
Pyramids of Success 
Block 1: Industriousness
''in pain and simple English this means hard work. very hard work. there is no substitute for very hard work when it comes to success."

Block 2: Enthusiasm
"it is the engine that powers all blocks of the pyramid. it is why i chose industriousness and enthusiasm as the cornerstones of my pyramid of success. it is where everything begins."

what this quote means is that being enthusiastic over something is wonderful it means you really want to be doing that. that is why its one of the strongest blocks so its in the corner. Enthusiasm is key to strength.

Block 3: Friendship
"comes from mutual esteem, respect and denotation. like marriage it must not be taken for granted but requires a joint effort."

Image result for cooperation
Image result for cooperationwhat this quote means is that friendship is a big and important part of the pyramid because
Block 4: Loyalty
"To yourself and to all those depending upon you. Keep your self-respect."
what this quote means is that 
Block 5: Cooperation

"with all levels of your co-workers. Listen if you want to be heard. be interested in finding the best way, not in having your own way."

what this quote means is that when you cooperate with 

Block 6: Ambition 
for noble goals 
what the 6th block which is ambition means is that 
Block 7: Self Control
"practice self-discipline and keep emotions under control. good judgment and common sense are essential."
what this block which is block 7 which is self control means is that
Block 8: Alertness
"be observing constantly. stay open-minded. be eager to learn and improve."
what the 8th block means which is alertness is that you should always be alert from your surroundings and improve yourself be alert to learn new things and see what benefits you.

Block 9: initiative

"cultivate the ability to make decisions and think alone. do not be afraid of failure, but learn from it."

Block 10: intentness
"Set a realistic goal. concentrate on its achievement by resisting all temptations. Be determined and persistent."

Block 11: sincerity
keep friends
what the block 7 means which is sincerity is that you should always be sincere and not lie to others, people don't want friends that are liars 

block 12: adaptability
to any situation
what adaptability means is being able to adjust to new conditions.  so what this can probably mean is that no matter what obstacles come in your life you can over come them because you should be able to adapt very easily

Block 13: condition 
"mental-moral- physical. rest,exercise and diet must be considered. moderation must be practiced. dissipation must be eliminated." 
what block 13 means which is condition is that 

Block 14: skill

"a knowledge of and the ability to properly and quickly execute the fundamentals. be prepared and cover every little detail.''
 what block fourteen means which is skill is that 

Block 15: team spirit

"a genuine consideration for others. an eagerness to sacrifice personal interests of glory for the welfare of all."what block  fifteen means which is teen spirit is that 

Block 16: honesty 
in thought and action 

Block 17: Resourcefulness

proper judgment 
what the word resourcefulness means which is block 17 is that the ability to find quick and clever ways to overcome difficulties. 

Block 18: Poise
"just being yourself. being at ease in any situation." Graceful and elegant bearing a person"
what poise means which is block 18 is graceful and elegant bearing a person. 

Block  19: Confidence 
"respect without fear. may come from being prepared and keeping all things in proper perspective."

Block 20: reliability
Creates Respects
what block 20 is which is credibility is to be a trustworthy person. 

Block 21: Fight 
Determined effort

Block 22: Competitive greatness
"be at your best when your best is needed. enjoyment of a difficult challenge" 
what block 22 means which is competitive greatness is that

Block 23: integrity 
Purity of intention 
what block 23 menas which is integrity  

Block 24: Faith 

Believe and Achieve 
 what block 24 means is that people should believe and have faoth in things if they want to acomplish sopmething like a goal.

Block 25: patience 
good things take time  

Pyramid Of Success Final Reflection 
1.the building blocks benifit you because they help you be better

2. actually the blocks im applying now are all of them roght now. im getting better and better at using them in my daily life.

3. they are making me and the people in my surroundings a better person because i help them.
