Thursday, November 3, 2016

The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People

Habit 1: Be Proactive
"Habit 1 is the key to unlocking all the other habits and that's why it comes first. It says, "I am the captain of my life. I can choose my attitude. I'm responsible for my own happiness or unhappiness. I am in the driver's seat of my destiny, not just a passenger."
what habit 1 be proactive is  that you have to make things happen instead of waiting for them to happen by them self's and choose what you want to do in life. some ways to apply habit one is by have a good attitude and being responsible for your actions

Habit 2: Begin with the End in Mind
"Control your own destiny or someone else will." (Jack Welch)
"When you know where you intend to end up, you know where you are now." (Covey)
what this means is like live your life or do whatever so no one else will live it for you. know what you want it is god for you and your future so know it.

Habit 3: Put First Things First
"Organize and execute around priorities''
for example iof you have alot of homework and your friends want to go out what should you do? you should stay in and do your homework because it is more important for you. it will benifift you more, with your friends you can go out any other day.

Habit 4: think win-win
" think win-win or no deal''
what habit 4 is is that you have you mind set on something and you have to win no matter what. you have to set your mind that you have to win. this also means that

habit 5: seek first to understand, then to be understood
''Diagnose before you prescribe''
what this means is to not start doing things before you analyze or study them because then thats not good so first study what you're going to do and make sure its good.

habit 6: Synergize
''The whole is greater than the sum of its parts (1+1=3)''h
synergy happens when a group of people work together to come up with a more effective solution than just trying to solve it on your own. it creates a better, higher way to achive something. 

habit 7: Sharpen the Saw 
the four dimensions of self-renewal: Physical, mental, spititual, social emotional
what this habit means which is the 7th one is that how can you improve yourself it gives you things that help you become better. sharpen the saw means preserving and enhancing the greatest asset you have

Reflection: the 7 habits of highly effective people are so intresting because they actually help you in life, they perfect your life they help you make it better and help you be a better person. me personaly i plan on using these habits everyday. my favriote habit that im probably gonna be doing mostly is sharpen the saw becasue it has so many things to it, it is wonderful for you and your self esteem. 

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